Lab news

The project hosted by He Xuhui won the 2017 Hunan Science And Technology Award

Time:2018-05-07 16:16   Click:   Print

On the afternoon of May 4, 2018, Hunan Science and Technology Innovation Award Conference was held in Changsha. The conference commended award-winning units and scientific and technical workers who had won the Outstanding Contribution Award, the International Science and Technology Cooperation Award, the Science and Technology Award, and the Patent Award in Hunan Province. Vice President Zhou Kechao and the winners attended the conference.

At the conference, a total of 211 projects were awarded the 2017 Hunan Province Natural Science Award, the Provincial Technology Invention Award, and the Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award. A total of 43 achievements were awarded to our university, and 7 of them won the first prize of Hunan Province Science and Technology Award (including the innovation team). Among them, the “Key Technology and Engineering Application of Safeguarding the Vehicle under the Strong Wind” presided over by Professor He Xuhui from the Wind Tunnel Laboratory won the first prize for scientific and technological progress.

The project was jointly completed by Central South University, Changsha University of Science and Technology, China Railway Bridge Survey & Design Institute Group Co., Ltd., Hunan University, and the National Engineering Laboratory for High-Speed Railway Construction Technology. The following personnel completed it: He Xuhui, Deng Lu, Han Yan, Gao Zongyu, Zou Yunfeng , Guo Wenhua, Zhu Zhihui, Guo Xiangrong, Li Longan, Li Lingyao, Wang Hanfeng, Shi Kang.

In addition, on February 1st, 2018, the project “Study on Random Dynamics of High-speed Railway Tracks and Bridge Structures under Multi-Dynamics and Its Application” mainly completed by Professor He Xuhui (ranked 4th) and Teacher Zou Yunfeng (ranked 11th) won the "2017 China Railway Society Science and Technology" special award of the Chinese Institute of Railways.