
Yukio Tamura

Time:2021-11-26 15:14   Click:   Print

Yukio Tamura, Honorary Professor at Central South University. He is interested in various aspects of the wind resistant design chain of building structures, including the basic theory of structural aerodynamics, the determination of design wind speed, the calculation of structural wind loads and equivalent static wind loads, the evaluation of structural aerodynamic stability, Long-term, systematic and in-depth research on the preparation and revision of wind-resistant design codes for building structures and wind-fighting prevention and control. Its outstanding academic achievements and contributions focus on the mathematical model, quantification and analysis of wind loads on building structures, and make creative contributions to the realization of reasonable wind resistance design of building structures. It is an internationally renowned expert in the field of wind resistance research and application of building structures. Professor Yukio Tamura is a foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, an academician of the Japanese Academy of Engineering, a foreign academician of the Indian Academy of Engineering, and a member of the European Academy of Sciences. In 2007-2015, he was re-elected as the president of the International Wind Engineering Association for two consecutive years. He served as the executive committee member of the World Wind Energy Association from 2007 to 2015. In 2009, he cooperated with the United Nations Disaster Prevention Agency and initiated the establishment of the International Organization for Strong Wind-related Disaster Prevention. Chairman of the National Wind Disaster Reduction Organization, former Chairman of the Japan Wind Engineering Association, Japan Academic Conference Liaison Committee, and the chief architect of the Japan Architecture Society Wind Resistance Design Committee; Professor Tamura Yukio graduated from Waseda University in Japan in 1969, and graduated from Waseda University in 1971. He received his Ph.D. in 1980 and is currently a professor at Tokyo University of Technology. He is the head of several major national research projects in Japan, the head of Japan's COE (2003-2007) program, and the head of the Global COE Project Wind Engineering (2008). -2012), and was hired as the editor of the internationally renowned journals such as "International Wind Engineering and Aerodynamics", "Structural Engineering Progress", "Wind and Structure", "Structural Design of High-rise and Special Buildings", and obtained the American Society of Civil Engineers. ASCE Cermak Medal, Japan Wind Engineering Association Medal, Japan Architecture Society Medal, selected foreign expert program experts, Japan Wind Engineering Society Wind Design Award, Japan Society of Engineering Society Outstanding Contribution Award, American Society of Civil Engineers Robert H. Scanlan Award , Alan G. Davenport Award of International Wind Engineering Society, published more than 300 academic papers Nearly 40 books. SCI has cited more than 3,300 times, and the highest number of SCI citations has reached 346 times.

Research area
Wind engineering, structural wind vibration control, structural response monitoring and dynamic model correction


Contact number: +81-46-242-9547

Fax: +81-46-242-9547


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